Все победители в абсолютном зачете 24 hours of Le Mans за период 1923-2006 Alfa Romeo, AUDI, Bentley, BMW, Ferrari, Ford, Jaguar, Matra, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes, Mirage, Peugeot, Porsche 917, Porsche 936, Porsche 956, Porsche 962, Renault, Rondeau, Sauber, Talbot, TWR Porsche 09.07.2012 2685
The Ralph Lauren Collection (Octane mag., 03/2005) Bentley, Bugatti, Ferrari, Jaguar, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche 550 09.06.2012 2258
Bernd Rosemeyer, 25.10.1937 Auto Union, Caracciola, Ferdinand Porsche, Mercedes, Rosemeyer 28.05.2012 2792
Ferdinand Porsche: 1900-1939 (Phil Carney, 356 Registry Mag., 2011) Austro Daimler, Auto Union, Ferdinand Porsche, Lohner, Mercedes, Neubauer, Rabe, T80, Targa Florio 14.03.2012 2546
Ferdinand Porsche and the Silver Arrows (Phil Carney, 356 Registry Mag., 2008) Auto Union, Ferdinand Porsche, Mercedes 29.02.2012 2067