The aluminum 356 cars (Phil Carney, 356 Registry Mag., 2011) Ferry Porsche, Piёch, Porsche 356 10.03.2012 2380
Porsche 356B Abarth Carrera GTL(Phil Carney, 356 Registry Mag., 2010) Abarth, Cisitalia, Dusio, Ferry Porsche, Hruska, Porsche 356, Reutter, Scaglione, Zagato 09.03.2012 3335
The last eleven (Porsche 356 SL chassis: 356/2-053 — 356/02-063, Phil Carney, 356 Registry Mag., 2009) 24 hours Le Mans, Porsche 356, Tatra 06.03.2012 2810
Hans Ledwinka — kleinwagen ingenieur (Phil Carney, 356 Registry Mag., 2009) Austro Daimler, Barenyi, Ferdinand Porsche, Ganz, Ledwinka, Porsche 356, Steyr, Tatra 03.03.2012 2364